“We’re all just walking each other home”
Watercolor inspired by the bird I met this weekend.
I had one of the most humbling and connecting experiences of my life the other day. A bird flew into the room and was struggling to get out. In our attempt to help, it flew into the window and knocked itself out. We picked it up and brought it outside to lay it on the ground.
I felt compelled to stay there not really having a plan or knowing what else to do. It looked like maybe one of the legs was twisted somehow… I didn’t want a cat to eat it so I stayed there with it. The bird was not alert, the breathing looked like slow panting and…the only thing that I could think of was to do some Reiki.
Many people ask me about Reiki and for me, the most important thing, more than the symbols even, are presence and intention. Reiki is a universal energy that’s available to everyone, not only select people.
So while I sat there for about 5-7 minutes, being an instrument and allowing the energy to go through me, I noticed the bird getting more alert. The eyes started to move and focus (at least that’s what it looked like to me) and then it started to move it’s head. I put my hands down and turned my head to see if there was any water around.
At that point, I heard a flutter. The bird flew away! Not to the nearby fence, but away, over the trees! I was so surprised how quickly it went from being lifeless to being able to fly and I was happy that it was healthy enough to fly.
It was a beautiful moment of connection with the more than human world and it reminded me of Ram Dass’ quote: “We are all just walking each other home”! To me it means that we are all connected. We all impact each other. The question is how? How do you want to impact those around you? And how do you allow others to impact you?
Who are the people that we walk alongside with on our path to home?
I will end with the words of Elphaba (in Wicked) because the people who are walking us home are not only our close friends but also those who are helping us learn a lesson.
“…people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow.”