We are more than our physical body – powerful video

In this 5-min video, I am sharing an amazing experience I had recently in a session with a client and it was an eye-opener for both.

The Five Bodies

In yoga therapy, we work with the 5 bodies or layers: physical, energetic, mental and emotional, wisdom, and spiritual body. In energy medicine, it’s similar, although the names are slightly different: physical, mental and emotional, mythic, and energetic.

The physical body is exactly what you would expect: sensations we notice in our body, movement, awareness of our body.

The luminous body

Our energetic body is our breath, our meridians, our aura. Part of it, like our breath, we can see and feel. Part of it, the one which picks up on “the vibe” when you enter a room for example, is less visible, but it’s still there.

The Q’ero shamans – descendants on the Inca – say that trauma happens at the energetic level. It’s an imprint which creates disease and causes part of soul, our innocence, which found the experience too overwhelming to seek refuge, until we are able to integrate the trauma and recover this part of us.

Alberto Villoldo calls this the “luminous body”, this field of energy that surrounds our physical body.

This is the part that my client and I had a similar experience with, simultaneously, without any communication. It made this invisible field visible, so if you are curious, I recommend you watch the video.

Creating a new future

The wisdom body, for example – and its counterpart layer in energy medicine, the mythic – is where we begin to see possibilities, we take the lessons that we learned from our pain and challenges and turn them into fuel for our new life.

Music, rituals, ceremony, chanting, meditation, tapping, dynamic movement…they all help the brain get into theta waves, the same waves that Buddhists monks, for example, achieve during meditation.

This is where the magic happens! That’s where and when we become unstuck from the past and are able to shape a new future! It’s where we start to hear our inner wisdom, our essence, talking to us.

This is the space that we are creating with the Women in Transition monthly circle, so that we move beyond trauma and reconnect with who we were always meant to be! Healing does not happen in isolation, it happens in community, in a safe and supported environment! Join us.