Not sure who said it originally, but I love this phrase: “You can be a masterpiece and a work in progress at the same time.

There’s always something we can work on, especially if we are to listen to our busy mind. At the same time, can we also appreciate the fact that we are unique. There may be a million people with the exact same name as you. But no one is exactly like you! It’s true. With all of our baggage, there is absolutely no one just like us!

So it’s a “yes…and” situation

If you read this paragraph above and you said: yes, but…you’re not alone! Because the inner saboteur is hard at work. 

Recently, I received a message from my mentor asking how I am doing with a couple of case studies I was working on. I responded: you know what, this is the first time I feel that I am purposely procrastinating. She texted right back: “Tell your inner saboteur to get out of the way and let you do what you need to do!

I laughed initially. Then I was like: “Oh man, she’s right! Hello Sally! (That’s the name I gave my inner saboteur.) I see you.

And that’s it. That’s all I needed. The realization and acknowledgement that Sally showed up again was enough to give myself the boost I needed to take the next step with my case studies.


This is key: acknowledgment. Our shadows need acknowledgment, not rejection or pretending they do not exist. Yin and yang creates the balanced whole.

Why is Sally showing up? The inner saboteur always shows up when we are about to step more into the light, out of our comfort zone. For me, finishing the case studies would mean I am one step closer to adding another modality to my therapy practice. And as exciting as that may be, it can also be scary for the little girl who grew up with the idea that she’s not good enough.

The impostor syndrome is real. The comfort zone is well, comfortable and the growth zone seems dangerous, which is why the saboteur is alerted right away and comes up to keep us safe.

“Stay where you are.” “Don’t move.” “Don’t take the promotion.” “Stay in this relationship.” “Don’t have that scary conversation with your boss/friend/partner/relative.” Sound familiar?

So notice when you start telling yourself some version of this.

Then, come up with a name for your own Sally! And acknowledge them when they show up. “Hi, Sally, thanks for wanting to keep me safe, but I don’t need you anymore.

Then take the step you need to. Research the new place you want to move into. Send it that job application. Write out the conversation you want to have with your boss/friend etc and practice it until you feel comfortable, then reach out to them or email them the letter. Take that next step knowing that whatever happens you are okay!

If you need support with your inner saboteur, reach out!